Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spiderman 3 (Part 2 of 3)

Spiderman 3

The FX for this movie is breathtaking and most of the time light years ahead of Lucas’ Jar-Jar crap. Seeing Venom was neat. The CGI did it justice. I also like how Sandman turned into a sandstorm as means of transportation through the city. Sure beats taking a cab. All in all, I was really impressed with the special effects.

Rosemary Harris as Aunt May is always a treat to watch. Her scenes always remind me of the touching scenes between Clark and his parents during Superman. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but Rose Harris plays every scene like she knows that Peter is Spiderman. Her scenes with Peter always ground these movies into our reality more so than anything else in the film. Good stuff here.

James Franco again proves that he’s a very skillful actor, and his story is somewhat interesting if limited. So, the New Goblin shows up for a bit and then that story takes a back seat because there isn’t enough time to fully develop his story. You see the New Goblin’s story is wonderful mirror for the central theme of the movie is about. It is about revenge and forgiveness. We see Peter go through this with the Sandman. Harry Osborn gets injured and forgets his quest for revenge against Spiderman; there is a lighter/playful Osborn not consumed by hate. Hate will consume us and we will lose some of the best parts of ourselves in the process. Osborn is given a second chance to something right.

However, when we throw in Venom, and all the goofy Emo-Peter stuff, all this gets lost. Did we need to waste time seeing Peter dancing in the street thrusting his hips? Did we need to see Peter dance to a jazz song with Gwen Stacy? How about spending more time with the Sandman/New Goblin storyline? As I said before, there was too much going on in the story and nothing ever gets paid off fully.

This is sad because Sam Raimi has two really good movies that could have played off on each other.

She was once a Telepathic alien on Star Trek TNG, and a Vampire. No joke.

I could make another ‘Man in the Mirror’ joke, but I won’t.
I love this shot in the movie.

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