Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So Long, Christopher Moltisanti

He's dead, Jim

So Long, Christopher Moltisanti

We all knew that somehow Christopher was going to die. Tony Soprano and Chris get into a car crash, because Chris was high. So, what does Tony do when he sees Chris’ broken body in the driver’s seat? He kills his cousin by forcing him to choke on his own blood. Tony nearly killed Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri on a boat a few weeks ago. Man, this ‘family’ is falling apart.

After a rather weak season before the current one, I’ve been very impressed and surprised with these episodes.

((Also, did anyone else notice that The Sopranos and Entourage both had almost identical (and arguably retarded) closing shots last night (Drama and Tony both victoriously screaming into a desert canyon)? What was up with that?))

I noticed that too. They both scream in the desert at the end of the episode. Very strange.

Here's his dead girlfriend, the one he snitched on to Tony. He's going to have a shock when he gets to heaven and sees her there.

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