Thursday, May 31, 2007

Senator Clay Davis

The Main reason to watch The Wire

Comment: Senator Clay Davis is one of the best characters on this wonderfully written cop drama The Wire. Now, let me give you a little background into this scene. Basically, Clay Davis is really corrupt and a hustler. He takes money directly from some of the biggest drug dealers in Baltimore, while he hustles many up and coming politicians. He’s probably one of the few villains that have survived every season.

Many fans of the show quote his trademark ‘SHIIIITTTT’. Even some of the characters in the show make fun of it. Isiah Whitlock is prefect as this character. Check out this clip.


  1. See, I always wished I got into the Wire... it seemed like a high quality show.

  2. If you ever get a chance, check out the first season on DVD. I think HBO will have one more season coming up.
