Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Return of Starbuck: Galactica 1980.

The Return of Starbuck (part 1)

The Return of Starbuck (part 2)

The Return of Starbuck (part 3)

The Return of Starbuck (part 4)

The Return of Starbuck (part 5)

When Battlestar Galactica was saved in the form of Galactica 1980, fans realized it wasn’t the same show they loved in the 1st season, so to speak. Most people hated the show and abandoned it. The show was poorly written and conceived. However, there was one episode that stood out as one of the best episodes of the show. It was also the last episode produced for Galactica 1980.

When the spin off was created, it was decided to have the show jump ahead nearly thirty years or so. Many of the main characters disappeared. Apollo and Starbuck were written out of the show. By the end of the show’s run, it was decided to bring back Dirk Benedict for one last episode. This episode was a gem because it felt like G1980 was finally a part of the Battlestar continuity. Starbuck gets into a dogfight with a Cylon fighter and they both crash on a deserted planet. He finds one of the Cylons and rebuilds him. The two of them become friends.

I can’t believe how well written this episode is, despite what came before. There are some good concepts in this episode. So, check it out.

Note: There was an unused script dealing with Starbuck living with the ‘Light’ ship people, but the show was canceled.

Grade B+
He's dead, but at least you don't have to shine his armor anymore, Face.

Star Child: “I had this dream you were in Earth’s past, and the word Bonanza kept coming up.”

Commander Adama: “Let’s change the subject…”

There are three possible outcomes to Starbuck’s fate.

1. He got off the planet and traveled to Earth. On Earth, he created an annoying and overpriced coffee franchise named Starbucks.

2. He traveled to Earth and joined the A-Team.

3. He became a Woman…


  1. Correction to #3... he became a smokingly hot woman.

  2. definitely the best G1980 episode, probably because it wasn't really a G1980 episode. Maybe that was what they were going for in the season finale of ST: Enterprise


  3. MC: She is certainly the type of woman I'd date. She knows how to throw a punch and drink like a sailor.

    Paul: You're right it was more of a Legacy thing. It had more ties with BSG than G1980. I like how it tied the two shows together, while giving us a touching character story.

  4. this waiting until August/September to get the 2 hour TV movie about Pegasus is painful.
    waiting till January for actual episodes is painful too.

  5. So there's going to be a Spinoff Pegasus movie? Nice.

    Now I heard the other spin off is on hold.
