Sunday, May 27, 2007

Random Thoughts (The Others' Random Thoughts)

Random Thoughts

~After my writing teacher's death, the people in my workshop decided they we should keep the writing workshop going, so we are. I'm currently working on a short story that I'm planing on sending into a few magazines.

~I sold a book back to the bookstore near U of L and I got a dollar back. Paying 26 bucks for a used book, and I got a 1-buck back. I got hosed.

~After siding with Rosie O'Donnell a few posts below, I feel sort of sad that Rosie had decided to leave The View so early. I believe everyone enjoys watching a train wreck...

~Speaking of Train Wrecks, Check out this Norfolk Southern train smashing into a tractor-tailor. A train going a fairly decent speed and hitting a truck isn't pretty. I've seen this happen a few times on a CSX line where I live.

~Michael Emerson is great just great.

~Okay, we all know about the whole Lonelygirl15 crap. But, what the hell is this? So, has Lonelygirl15 joined The Others?

~The more I watch FOX News, the dumber I get. Fox in the Morning is just bad.

~Can we throw both Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan into a prison forever? I do like the fact that Lohan was pulled over for a DUI and had some Coke in her car. And, I don’t mean the soft drink.

~Happy Birthday to Christopher Lee, he’s 85 years old. Mr. Saruman Dooku Ansem the Wise has been in a lot of hits lately.

Saruman gets pissed when he realizes he can only get FOX News on this thing.

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