Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Marvel and DC


I found this on dig. It’s a parody of the PC/Mac ads, but with Marvel and DC. Now, I’m DC fan more than Marvel, but these ads were funny.

The ads sort of bashes DC’s movie franchises, but it fails to mention all the creative f’ups Marvel has done over the years.

Let’s look at them…

Daredevil: Completely ruined by the studio demanding a major cut of an important subplot, and adding more ‘love story’ elements to the movie. Theater cut is a mess, while the director’s cut is much better.

Hulk: The first one. This movie is complete crap and boring. How can someone make a boring Hulk movie? This is so bad that even Marvel studios is ignoring it and starting over again with an unrelated Hulk film. Good move, Marvel

Elektra: Okay, I liked this movie. But, nearly everyone else hated it, and it bombed in the theaters.

X3: WTF?

Blade III: A PG13 Blade movie? What in the hell were they thinking? Back when the first Blade opened, I remembered everything David S. Goyer said about not selling out the Blade character and franchise for a lighter story. Yet, he was the one responsible for this turd, and let’s not forget the Blade the TV show. Goyer, did you really have to direct this movie?


  1. i thought casting afleck for daredevil was a very bad move, i never saw the director's cut of daredevil. i did enjoy electra, i agree the criticism against it was unnecesary. I skipped the hulk altogether. And it seems that people not familiar with the x-men franchise seemed to enjoy X3, which i told them it was crap knowing or not knowing how the comic book franchise works.


  2. I agree,I think Ben Affleck sort of forced himself into Daredevil project. He's a little bit better in the Directors cut.

    I've noticed that too about the people that liked X3.

  3. Out of all those, Hulk is definitely the worst. Between brainless popcorn flicks (Daredevil, Elektra etc.) and freakishly nonsensical arty type comic flicks (and I'm a huge Ang Lee fan!) I'm going for the former.

    Haven't seen X3 yet ...

  4. Ang Lee + comic stuff + psychoanalytic dark mess of crud. He overanalysed the setting and amde us think. If a big green guy is destroying stuff around me, i don't want to think. Also, i think that was the first ever game crossover where the game was better than the movie

  5. Yvonne: You're right, I think Hulk should have been more brainless and less into finding a deep meaning.
    BTW, if you get a chance, check out X2's deleted scenes, because there some good stuff that was left on the cutting room floor.

    Blayde: I completely agree, and I should have put it in my post. Ang Lee tried to make a thoughtful art film out of The Hulk instead of using the basic story structure of the Hulk comic books.

    People go into a hulk movie to see The Hulk smash shit up, and we didnt get that.

    Here's hoping they get it right with Hulk 2

  6. Thanks for the link on the post!

    I liked Daredevil alot more than
    Electra but i enjoyed them both.
    I guess I like Affleck because of his Jersey Connection with my man Kevin Smith. *shrug*

  7. I think some of Ben's best work came from his stuff in the Jersey Universe .

    He seems to be able to handle Kevin Smith's dense dialogue with ease. His best work has been in Dogma.

  8. I remember one of the stories from an evening with Kevin Smith where he claimed that Affleck, while filming the swingset scene in Chasing Amy just went on a wild improvisational tangent that Smith didn't like... and Affleck thought was great(it wasn't).

    So I think Affleck is not a good judge of what is and is not good material, Oscar or no Oscar.

  9. I remember that story too! He also let Matt and Ben go on their own during a deleted scene in Dogma that was really bad. Smith hated it.

    You're right he does like to pick some real stinkers. I remember Kevin making fun of Forces of Nature a few occasions.
