Monday, May 28, 2007

Five Useless Things

Five Useless Things About Me When I Was a Boy

  1. Karate Boy: I once took Karate as a child, one class. I hated it and stop going. You know your parents shouldn’t force you to do those things.
  2. Pet King: I used to have all kinds off pets when I was growing up. Birds, turtles, rats, hamsters, crabs, dogs, newts, frogs and nearly hundreds of topical fish.
  3. Not a Sports Guy: I played softball and football. I hated them both.
  4. The non Boy Scout: I nearly became a boy scout, thank goodness I didn’t. Come on, I’m evil.
  5. Fight No More: I’ve only been in one fight the whole time I was in school. Note: It was broken up, so no one won.

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