Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Farewell to Falwell

You know, people say you should never talk ill of the dead, but I could never stand Jerry Falwell. The hate this man spread was bigger than his expanding waistline. Hell, I found him to be more of a lowlife than the pill=popping Rush.

He was supposed to be a Christian, yet he was more about hatred. He spent so much time blaming the gay community for everything that was wrong with the world; you have to wonder if he had any other issues.

So long, Jerry and thanks for all the fish.

John McCain looks down as he realizes Jerry just cut another big fart during services.

McCain: Please tell me he didn’t ‘shart’ his robe.


He was giving Rosie O'Donnell a run for her money in the BIG Head department.


  1. I still think it was sort of creepy that the actor who played him twice and another uptight censoring preacher based upon him died before the Falwell himself at a much younger age.

    It was very strange.

  2. Which movies did this actor show up in? was one that Larry Flynn movie?

  3. yes the actor is Richard Paul... he was also in a tv movie as Falwell about the Bakkers.

    And if you've watched enough WKRP, Richard Paul also the head of the religious organization that was trying to get them to stop playing "obscene" music.

  4. I just googled him, man you're right he almost looks like his twin brother.
