Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Danny Elfman B-day


Happy 54th birthday to Danny Elfman

I have to say that I like his work more and more, despite hating Burton’s work more and more. I think his work has gotten better over the years, without ripping his own stuff off like James Horner does.

I find it amusing that he comes from a Rock/Blues Band background because his Batman score is very classical in nature, even more so than Williams’ music for Star Wars. While the studio may have screwed him on Spiderman II, I believe it’s some of his best work since Batman (89).

Here are a few thoughts on some of his scores

Pee-wee's Big Adventure: While Forbidden Zone was his first official composing credit, Pee-Wee was the first score he composed with a orchestra. The score is playful and simple. This was also the beginning of a long and trusted relationship between Tim Burton and Elfman.

Beetle Juice: Not bad, I’m not a huge fan of this one. His themes are pretty good.

Hot to Trot: Isn’t this that stupid talking horse movie with that screaming, longhaired guy from Police Academy?

Dick Tracy: Movie sucked, but most people overlook this wonderful score. I just wish there was a way to edit Madonna out of the soundtrack, or out of the movie. (Note: I actually played this score in High School in my concert band.)

Dead Presidents: Another overlooked score.

Mission: Impossible: I liked hearing the main theme from the show, but the rest of the score was crap.

Mars Attacks!: I hate this movie, but the score camps up the style of the movie nicely. Pretty good score, and it reminds me of Men in Black.

Planet of the Apes: Bad movie, but it has a good, mean score. I like the Main Title theme; it has a very Jerry Goldsmith sound to it. The musical style reminds me of the first Planet of the Apes film, too bad Burton’s film doesn’t. (There are three versions of the Main Title out there.)

Men in Black: Fun Score.

Hulk: Okay, Elfman only had a few weeks to come up with a replacement score for this movie, because the original composer was fired. However, the score just doesn’t do it for me, it sounds like Elfman is recycling his Spiderman score a bit. Plus, some of the original composer’s music is still in the film, making this score a little uneven.


  1. Nice list, I'm going to check some of those soundtracks out.

  2. Thanks, I think you'll enjoy the Pee-Wee one. Its one of my fave ones

  3. Did I ever tell you that on the 6 degrees of seperation i'm only 3 away from Danny Elfman and his family? Check this out .....
    I once worked with a girl we'll call her Girl A - who's friend Girl B (who i met once). Girl B also known as Lauren O'Hynan/Elfman married Richard Elfman - Danny's Brother
    Girl A/ Lauren
    Danny Elfman's Brother ( Richard)

  4. That's pretty neat. So, you've never met him have you?

  5. Sadly no - never met him or the gang. Girl A and Lauren went to a few parties and stuff and I got to hear about it at work the next day but no.

  6. That would have certainly been neat. I generally don't ask famous people for autographs, but I would from him

  7. Mayren, I'm one degree away from Danny Elfman and his family. Let's just say that before a brother got married I was one of many voluntary bed-warmers. I'll leave it at that.

    I'll be the first to say Lauren's certainly a lucky lady to have snagged an elf.

  8. One degree also. Word. Lauren is a lucky girl (is my ex...and I treated her rottener than I shoulda) and deserves happiness
