Friday, April 20, 2007

The Wicker Man clip

The Wicker Man

I was reading the Agony booth's reviews on the Golden Raspberry awards for 2006. The writer mentioned that there was a clip of The Wicker Man on youtube that was really strange, but funny. It's a collection of random scenes in the movie, such as Nicolas Cage punching and kicking women throughout the film.

Paul mentioned a while back that he saw the movie and that it was pretty bad. At the time, I was delighted that I missed it. Now, after watching this clip, I want to see it. It has to be really bad. Someone at the studio had to step in say, “Uh, this isn't turning out the way we intended.”

Nicolas Cage: “Okay, next question.”

Kid 1: “Will there ever be another Con Air movie?”

Nicolas Cage: “No.”

Kid 2: “Face Off 2, The Rock 2?”

Nicolas Cage: “I’m leaving.”

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