Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thug Life

The infidelguy speaks his mind.

Comment: I completely agree with EVERYTHING he has to say in this clip. I’m a black guy that speaks properly and rarely speaks slang (I do speak it sometimes). My mother would have chewed me out if I’d spoke in an ignorant manner. She taught me it was sign of disrespect. With other black people, I took a lot of flack for speaking properly.

I’ve had to go through this even today. I’ve had people say, “You talk white, James.” I then say, “So, broken English is talking black?” What is being black?

Here’s his reply to many comments he received,

“Yo, who you be with Dogg.”


  1. Stupidity is a universal language(the success of Jackass proves that).

    I have a lot of respect for that guy.

  2. You're right, It seems the entire Human race has lost some sense lately. It seems like we're losing the battle.

    I kept nodding with every point he was making. He knows his stuff

  3. Totally agree, what's the point in talking slang, these days everyone but the people who started it do it.

    'All them white boys are at it'

    Personally, i think every time someone tells you NOT to talk properly, tell em you do know one phrase:

    I'm Rick James Bitch! (making the rick less obvious and saying it in that famous slightly nasal way :P)

  4. Yeah, it seems people look at you differently when you dont greet them with the "what up". I use slang, but I moderate how much I say, but I would never say it during an interview.

  5. Wow, that was great. There's definitely a pride-in-ignorance problem. Thanks for the forward.

    I like using the phrase "peachy keen" at work because it's the whitest thing I can think of.

  6. I wonder if he ever took on the phrase "he's so well spoken".

  7. Greg: I also try to say the whitest thing I possibly can sometimes just to see people’s reactions. I always get a laugh.

    MC: I’m sure he has. I love that bit that Chris Rock does.
    I’ve heard that statement said before myself.

  8. you guys are too funny sometimes.

  9. What was it said one time, "We're Americans, we're allowed to be stupid." I just watched the first video, i didn't watch the second cause i figured it would be just him refuting the people who got angry cause they think it's cool to be dumb.

    I think they should read the works of Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King, and then maybe there would be a realization that being intellignt and educated is valuable.

    Just my input.


  10. good words, Paul. If you ever get a chance, try the book by Juan Williams , named ENOUGH. It's a good read and it something in the same line with what you're saying.

    Enough: Not to be confused with the really bad J-lo thriller.
