Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI)

Well, we knew that Sly wanted to make another Rocky movie, and who could blame him for not wanting to end on the horrid Rocky V. However, you have to wonder if this movie was even necessary. Rocky I was good movie with a lot heart and I enjoyed the rest of them including IV and V. (I liked V the least) Rocky Balboa is more or less a direct sequel to the first film, but it is in continuity with the rest of the films. Rocky, while successful at owning a restaurant, isn’t doing too well after the death of his wife, Adrian. He’s alone and stuck in the past. When given a chance to get back in the ring one more time, he takes it.

While I felt the movie wasn’t really necessary, I found the character moments nice and real. I even found the acting spot on from all the actors, including Sly. The story has some good points and you can tell Sylvester Stallone believes in what he’s writing and acting about. The movie does a good job recalling all the key moments that made the first movie such a classic. And yet, there’s something missing from this movie.

Back in the first film, we saw the other side of the movie in the form of Apollo Creed. We saw that his character wasn’t a bad guy and in many ways, Apollo’s story paralleled Rocky’s plight. Here we see only two big scenes behind the opponent’s camp. The best of the two scenes being the scene where his old trainer tells him that he needs to go through a ‘trial of fire’ before knowing that he’s the best. The story should have taken more time developing his story just as much as Rocky’s story.

In the end, the movie has its heart in the right place, and the character moments are well written and well acted. The training montage was fun to relive through the eyes of an older Rocky. And, I enjoyed the ending. (Note: There are two endings on the DVD). Yet, I still have to wonder if the world needed another Rocky film. I’m sure Stallone did.

Grade: B-Rocky: “Hey, yo, what yall filming over here?”

Film Crewman: “Rambo IV.”


Rocky still trying to figure out the concept behind the Three Seashells…


  1. Thanks,again. I love doing them.

    Right when I see a picture I automatically have a caption in my head.
