Sunday, April 29, 2007

Riker sells out and does a PPP

Will Riker sells out…really

Comment: I found this on a message board, and I never knew this existed. A normal nerd in an office is trying to deal with a crisis and William Riker appears on his computer screen from the future to give the Nerd a pep talk…while selling some software.

I’m guessing this extended ad was filmed during the third or fourth seasons. This is pretty low, and I’m sure Frakes wishes he never did this crap.

Note: Not nearly as bad as Worf doing an episode of Webster.


  1. This is fabulous! I say third season...the gut is still small but there are colars on the uniform. I've always had the biggest crush on Riker!

  2. lol, yeah his gut got bigger each season. But, Riker was the man!

    He sort of slimmed down for Insurrection.

  3. I notice people saying that Gene Roddenberry wouldn't approve at the video site, but I think he got some green on that deal.

  4. oh, yeah. Unlike the movies, TNG was his baby and he pretty much saw tons of dollars from each ST deal/promotional.

    Fans seem to have this legendary view of the guy, overlooking his flaws.

  5. For a guy who loves the fandom, he's AWESOME. I can't say enough about Jonathan Frakes.

    Not only does he loves Trekkies, they all love him...!! It's great when he used to 'invite himself' to some Cons.. I saw him in Mpls in '92 and he was the BEST with audiences. A real crowd pleaser.

    I know he loved doing the series, and vied for doing spin-off work. I remember his interview Marina about doing 'The Rikers'.., what a laugh that would have been, just to see the pilot.

  6. Yeah, Frakes is up for everything. He's a nice guy, plus he is a pretty good director. But he needs to direct more movies, and I am not talking about Timestoppers.
