Monday, April 16, 2007

Quentin Tarantino is the man

Nice hat...

Lame ‘film critic’ gets pissed with Quentin Tarantino’s film Kill Bill

Found this on and I thought it was interesting. Some lady by the name of Jan Wahl interviews Tarantino. It starts out friendly and then switches to them nearly yelling at each other. Tarantino flat out says, “I didn’t make the movie for you!” And, he’s right; middle-aged people like her wouldn’t understand Kill Bill.

She then cuts him off and makes sure she has the last word “It’s soulless.”

Soulless? It’s about a woman getting revenge on people leaving her dead. How much soul is supposed to be in a revenge movie? People like this Wahl piss me off.

I also didn’t like that the News studio people cut Tarantino off without giving him a second chance to defend himself.


  1. The whole world's a critic...

    It's very easy to blame someone for doing something, not letting them justify it, or not accepting they don't have to is pretty pathetic.

    I wonder why they have people of this genre review those movies, they obviously wouldn't like it.

  2. Yep, that's exactly what she did, he touches his earphone and you can see his say something before he gets cut off by the studio.

    And, I thought it was funny she shifted her attitude when she didn't agree with him. She was all nice to him and then she started calling his movie soulless. She was very phony

  3. Thanks for posting this, I hope you don't mind if I post it on my you credit of course...

    I'm going to have nightmares about crazy hat lady.

  4. no problem, sure go ahead. She creeps me out too
