Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I never noticed...

The universe has many unanswered questions.

Why are Doritos chips so addicting?

Why Bush got reelected?

Why don't AppleJacks taste more like Apples?

However, I never thought about this one...

Why asian guys can't get white girls?

Trust me, you will love this independent youtube movie.

It’s funny without being offensive to any race. The jokes are about stereotypes and shows that racial jokes can be told in a manner completely different from Don Imus' bullshit. I loved this movie. It goes to show you that a group of college kids can come up with a funny little movie and not have 50+ budget and still be entertaining.

Best parts…

His white roommate

The Indian guy with the Yoda-like gift of giving good advice…with a twist.

The ending!

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