Sunday, March 11, 2007

Yesterday's James

Even though I’ve been on the Web since 96, I still find the Internet a fascinating place. This is only place where people can meet other people hundreds of miles away (McCoy: Thousands). There are other things that surprise me too…

I did a review on Yesterday's Enterprise a while back, and I found out that the actual writer from that episode left a comment in my Blog! You know how cool this is? It's not everyday the person who wrote the episode or movie that I’ve reviewed drops in and reads my review. This has made my day. And thanks again Mr. Stillwell.


  1. thanks, MC. that was very nice of him to do that.

  2. That's awesome. PS. I fully Support Mr. Stillman in his Board of Director persuits in Oregon.

  3. Thanks, Mayren. I second the motion!

  4. Thanks Blayde, I heard he reads reviews, but I never thought he'd read this one.

  5. Does that mean that if I write a post about the TNG episode on Spike yesterday, I can get Ashley Judd to comment? *crossing fingers*

  6. or Teri Hatcher, Don't forget she also had a small part on the show.
