Friday, March 02, 2007

top 15 bad guys of Sci-fi (5=1)

5. Khan (from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan): Anyone that can put ugly slugs into people’s ears is okay in my book. The writers from the movie made Khan into a cold-blooded killer and madman. In addition, he made the mullet trendy again. Who knew the guy from Fantasy Island could play such as badass? “Khannnnnnn!”

4. Gul Dukat (from DS9): Never has a trek villain been more complex than this guy. He was the former commander of the DS9 station and the guy responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. He would later join the Dominion and plunge his people to doom. Marc Alaimo played this character so believable that sometimes you cared for him and other times hated his guts.

3. Hal (from 2001): A main computer goes bat-shit and kills most of the crew. It was a cool concept that’s been used over and over again in movies today. Just watch the first Resident Evil movie.

2. Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine: I planned on putting Vader on the list, but I realized he’s merely a puppet for the Emperor. One of the neat things about episodes I-II was watching Palpatine manipulating everyone around him for his own personal gain. Ian McDiarmid is Palpatine. Plus, we found out he’s actually a good fighter. He’s like your creepy uncle that talks about taking over the world all the time.

1. The Ewoks (From Return of the Jedi): Short and cute, these little fuckers were annoying and proved that Lucas saw dollar signs instead of storylines. The Ewoks pretty much ruined Return of the Jedi for me and paved the way for far more foolish marketing characters such as Jar-Jar Binks. Lucas knew cute little bears could be spun-off to other shows and merchandise. Remember, he made an Ewoks cartoon show and two TV movies. They’re the true evil in this universe. Let’s not forget that annoying Ewok song in the original version of Jedi. Screw the Ewoks.

We all hate you, Wicket. now go away...


  1. One of my favorire lines from
    "Spaced" was:

    Bilbo: "What about the Ewoks eh? They were rubbish. You don't complain about them."
    Tim: "Yeah but Jar Jar Binks makes the Ewoks look like... fucking Shaft!"


  2. Lol, that's a great line. It reminds me of the clerk's SW parts in the movie.
