Monday, March 19, 2007

Stranger than Fiction

Stranger than Fiction

This film has a very low-key Will Ferrell playing a boring IRS man that discovers that his has his own narration in the form of a female writer. During these narrations, he finds out he will end up dying at some point during his life story. Now, he has to live his life before his demise.

With a strange and fascinating concept, I found myself drawn to the movie’s story. While the individual scenes aren’t electrifying, the story at least takes time to tell itself. What would happen if Luke Sykwalker became aware that someone was telling his story? The movie never address why this writer has the power to change the course of people’s lives, but that would add another half hour to already slow movie. And, the slow pace of this movie will turn many people off. People going in to see a goofy Ferrell movie will be disappointed. This is a plus and minus in my mind.

Ferrell acting was restrained and something I enjoyed deeply. His interaction with his love interest was nice to see. Emma Thompson was pretty good as the writer, if a little on the annoying side. Dustin Hoffman as a professor was right on the money. He reminded me of some of my writing teachers I’ve had over the years. Yet with the good acting, the movie still felt half empty. There was something missing in this movie that kept it from being a great movie, and I am not certain what. Plus, I’m not convinced the upbeat ending was really necessary.

Grade CWill realizing his chair has grown wings...


Lex Luthor standing next to Will.


Lex Luthor: “Listen, Rain Man, I want to know how to defeat Superman!”

Rain Man: “Definitely wet my pants...”



  1. i liked this flick. I recently got it on netflix too. I was impressed by Will Ferrel's acting skills because he was funny without being over the top or whacky. It's nice to actually know that he has range.
    I agree Dustin Hoffman was pretty on the money with his professor tactics....For me the movie was a let down with Emma Thompson. She was ok but not enough. I think they could have cast the part better i just don't know who at the moment. I loved the Baker girl. She was good in Mona Lisa Smile too. I'm happy she's working.

  2. Yeah, there wasn't much of Thompson's character in the movie. It might have given the movie a little more of a kick.

    I liked the baker lady too, probably more like the type of woman I'd date too.

    I've seen her in other things but nothing else comes to mind.
