Tuesday, March 27, 2007

SNL ban list

Martin Lawrence got banned as well on SNL for well...making fun of a certain part of the female body.

Saturday Night Live Banned list

I found this on digg, and it caught my eye. Here’s a list of many of the people banned from Saturday Night Live. Some of the people are a surprise to see on the banned list.

Steven Seagal: It would appear the Energy Drink and Music-making actor was very difficult to work with. I know he had an ego, but you would think he would be a little bit more light-hearted with SNL crew.

Cypress Hill: Uh, if you book CH, the weed smoking sort of comes with the band. What did they think would happen?

Chevy Chase: After that stupid talk show he had, he should be banned from everything in the world. This guy has one of the worst egos since Shatner, strike that, it is bigger than Shatner’s ego. He was funny back in the day in those 80s movies, but the man just sucks now.

Steven Seagal is seen here playing his newest song Half Past Exit Wounds, On Deadly Under Siege Ground. Sadly, it's going to Direct-to-Video...


Here's Chase realizing that the highlight of his later career will be getting Canceled from a talk show and making Chip ads.

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