Friday, March 16, 2007

Sinbad is Alive

Sinbad isn’t dead.,2933,259047,00.html

David Adkins (Sinbad) is everyone’s favorite Houseguest. But word around the web stated that he died Saturday.

I heard about this rumor on the radio, and the DJ was making fun of it. Yes, Sinbad is very much alive, but his movie career has been dead for many years. (Note: He’s just now started acting again after taking a break in 2002). As I stated before, you can pay for Sinbad to show up to your next business meeting for no good reason other than having Sinbad at your meeting.

I sort of like Sinbad, but some of his movies sucked. (I liked The Cherokee Kid though).


  1. Yeah, I like Houseguest, and when I think of him, I always remember two jokes he had... one about being at the health club and using the stairmaster, and one about receiving corporal punishment from his mom(with his ass getting hit so hard with a belt that is fell off).

  2. Yeah, I remember the one about his ass falling off. The man could tell stories, too bad some of his other movies just plain suck. (First Kid)
