Thursday, March 01, 2007

Final Fantasy Tactics The Lion War

Okay, I want a PSP now...

Here's the trailer.

A Remake to Final Fantasy Tactics is coming out on The PSP. They call it Final Fantasy Tactics The Lion War. They're using cell-shading for the cut scenes, and I have to say it looks impressive. The screen shots from the battle scenes are freaking cool as hell. Check them out

New Characters will be introduced such as Balthier from FFXII. I love this character because he's such a bad ass. I not sure how this will connect to FFXII, but The FFXII spin-off Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings will also have Balthier as well. There's another FFT game in the works for the DS.

I like it a lot.

Looking good.


  1. i can't beleive the PSP is still around. I know alot of movies are still getting released on Blu-ray for it but sheesh I really don't hear any buzz for the handheld system.

  2. Actually the PSP is doing pretty good. And, its finally has some good games being released on the system.
