Thursday, March 08, 2007

Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Back in 1993, someone came up with an idea to make parody/action film with Sylvester Stallone. The movie also starred a very young and cute Sandra Bullock, as well as Wesley Snipes playing the main villain. With Sly being thrown into an extremely peaceful future, we get to see his reactions to all the changes around him. The jokes are well balanced with the more violent scenes of Murder, Death, and Kill.

Somehow, the Film Gods blessed this movie, and it ended up being very good. Sly set aside his huge ego to let his character appear goofy and awkward. Sly’s John Spartan is almost a parody of all his action movies that came before this film. However, Wesley Snipes steals the show with every scene he’s in. Over the top and hyper, he plays a fun villain to Spartan. Snipes seems to be the one having all the fun in the movie. Sandra Bullock is cute and less annoying than some of her characters later movies. She’s never looked better than in this movie. (Note: Benjamin Bratt plays her partner in this movie, and then later plays her partner again in Miss Congeniality.)

The world that John Spartan encounters is weird and logical at the same time. Humans no longer do anything harmful, and singing advisement songs are big in this Brave New World. I really got a kick out of the Taco Bell jokes, and the Three Seashells. I also loved the anti-cussing machine. (I loved Sly’s reaction when he discovers that he’s been eating a rat-burger, classic.)

The only weak link in the movie is Denis Leary. He doesn’t fit as a rebel, but instead a bitchy comedian. It’s not believable. Despite a few plot holes, this is probably one of Sly’s best movies from the 90s. After this movie, he sort of went down hill fast.

Grade B+


  1. I like the fact that there is a radio station that only plays classic commercials... that was really on the nose.

  2. That was pretty neat, plus you could more commercial songs during the Taco Bell scene

  3. ok guys you're failing to point out that this movie gets a few more Extra Credit points here.

    Think about this.
    When Sandy and Stallone's characters are out and about Stallone's character sees a President Schwarzenegger posting in a shop window. When he questions Sandra Bullock she replies that basically Arnold is the president but only after he was Governor of California for many years.

    So that movie predicts Arnold being the Governor of Cali.
    THEN Arnold has petitioned the government to bend their rules about becoming President. The US requires the President to be a Natural born citizen not just a transplant.

    How funny is that? Most people forget that tidbit in the flick.
    Foreshadowing real life in fiction.

  4. You're right. That was some interesting foreshadowing. The best part is Sly's reaction to the news that Arnold became the president. I loved remark, "I don't want to hear anymore," Sly says in frustration. playing up the whole playful Rival between Sly and Arnold.
