Monday, March 12, 2007


David Caruso and his endless one liners.

How can anyone even watch this show. Caruso is so full of himself. I remember when NYPD Blue was centered around his character, and he left the show. After he left, Blue became a huge hit. He said he left the show for a movie career. Can Anyone even remember his movie career after Blue?

Caruso must think these one-liner openings make him look and sound cool.


  1. I think he also suffers greatly in comparison with Gil Grissom on the original CSI. I mean, I BELIEVE William Petersen as a methodical, gifted man of forensics.

  2. I also heard he wasnt too happy about all the spin off shows and Caruso. But he does seem more convincing than Caruso.

  3. Yeah, he doesn't like it one bit, and he makes some good arguments:,0,275304.story?coll=mmx-television_heds

  4. Know why I enjoy CSI Miami so much? BECAUSE Caruso is so full of himself. Seriously, they let him go, let him be the hero, let him have all the cheesy lines, and I drink it all up! Oh, and Cally is hot.

  5. Well Emily Procter's hotness goes without saying.

  6. MC: Thanks for the link. I can see his point. Miami may have hurt the original. My thing is this; did they really need three shows at the same time…

    Jeff: I went back and watched some old NYPD Blue eps, he doesn’t nearly ham it up as he does in Miami.

  7. I don't think they did, and Petersen said that he thought that a spinoff would come much later than it did.

  8. Then we have the Law & Order spin offs. Strangely enough, SVU is the one with the better ratings and reviews.
