Friday, February 23, 2007

Your Mummy is so fat...

Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh for Mummy 3? Maybe...

It's been reported by other blogs that Jet Li might play a role in the upcoming Mummy 3.

((In related news, an IGN reader dropped us a line about The Mummy 3 and director Rob Cohen. "I attend Chapman University in Orange, CA where tonight Rob Cohen did a Q&A after a screening of his film Dragon:The Bruce Lee Story. During the Q&A, someone asked what he thinks about Jackie Chan and Jet Li. In his answer, he confirmed that Jet Li will play the Mummy in The Mummy 3, which he is directing. He also said that the film will take place in China and Michelle Yeoh will also be in the film. The biggest bombshell was that the film's protagonist will not be Brendan Fraser, but rather his character's son, now 22 years-old. Also, Jet Li will be the head Mummy in a group of Mummies that were the Teracotta army." ))

Well, the series is moving away from the Middle East and into the East. Now, I'm still a little unsettled about the fact that the Japanese aren't mentioned in some of the versions of the script, considering Japan is invading China at the time this story is set.

This movie could completely stink or be a fun action adventure.

So does this mean Brendan Fraser won't be in the movie at all. BTW, what has happened to Fraser? I haven't seen him in anything lately besides that dreadful Loony Toons movie (No not Space Jam, the other one)

BTW, they better bring back Ardeth Bey. I know his character won't quite fit into the China storyline, but he's just an extremely cool character.

He's giving us 'the bird'


  1. Totally wish that guy is in the new one, he was so cool.

    btw, how do you see page 2, ie older posts on blogspot,i never figured out

  2. He was suppose to die in part one at the end, but they added the scene at the end because he was such a hit with the ladies.

    Look over to the left side of the page with Archives and click on Feb's date (07) and all the posts from that month should be on there.
