Sunday, February 18, 2007

words are just words

Most people already know about the amusing site that goes by the name People know that it isn't easy to translate Japanese to English, but many of the ad mix ups in Japan are Localization issues. It's one thing to translate something, but it is something else completely to make sense of the translation. Many of Squaresoft's older games had these issues too. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the site

When a Zombie has had a long night searching for brains to eat, there's nothing better than to drink something to relax and reflesh (With mint frosting)


Pace, sweet!


Cowpoo? Come on, what kind of business are you running here? BTW, note the symbol of gas on the sign.


24 open, that's like the McDonald's signs right (over 2 billion)? So, they sell sand and sushi. Mmm, good.


I'm not even going to comment on this one.


Monkey of the Magic! Please, someone explain how monkeys and magic fit together, let alone on a shirt.


You don't say...

I really want this shirt

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