Saturday, February 24, 2007

top 15 bad guys of Sci-fi (15-11)

Sci-fi has a list of the 13 favorite Sci-fi villains

It’s a good list, so I figured I try my hand at a list of top sci-fi bad guys (and girls). Over a few posts, I’ll do my top 15. Here are my first 5…

15. The Necromongers (from The Chronicles of Riddick): They were basically Romans in space with a bit of Emo and Goth thrown in for good measure. I dug these guys and their armor.

14. The Operative (from Serenity): Chiwetel Ejiofor played this role so well that I think in some ways it helped him get bigger roles in the movies today. The Operative truly believed in his cause, going as far as wiping out entire families. The only way to defeat him was to show that the very thing he was fighting for was corrupt. He was a great character.

13. The Daleks (from all the Dr. Who shows): Before the Borg, there were the annoying talking trashcans with big ass cannons. Yes, they were silly, but I liked them.

12. Ash (from Alien): Before becoming the world’s favorite Hobbit, Ian Holm played an off-centered android named Ash. Ash was programmed to protect the Alien. Holm’s Ash seemed to always observe the crew in a cold robotic way throughout the film. I found his near raping of Ripley disturbing or at least what an android considered sex.

11. Megatron/Galvatron (Transformers the movie): Changing from a stock cartoon villain in the show to a cold-blooded killer in the movie, I couldn’t believe how he ruthlessly murdered some of my favorite characters, such as Ironhide and Starscream in the movie.

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