Sunday, February 25, 2007

top 15 bad guys of Sci-fi (10-6)

Sorry Fanboys, you’ll never get a woman like this, and neither will I.

10. Richter (from Total Recall): This guy was not only dating Sharon Stone’s character on the side, but also chasing Douglas Quaid/Hauser around Earth and Mars. Don’t forget he also shot a three-breasted woman in the back. “See you at the party, Richter!”

9. The Shadows and Mr. Morden (From Babylon 5): The Shadows were a cool concept. They were an old race that believed in survival of the fittest, and that wars made a culture stronger. They looked like insects and had many races as slaves, such as the Drakh. I liked their organic ships too. What made them even cooler, was the fact they had a PR guy by the name of Mr. Morden.

8. The Borg (From Star Trek TNG): Villains are more dangerous when they want to turn you into one of them. These guys were the new space age Zombies. Resistance was futile!

7. The Predator (From PredatorI and II): Old crab-face had a shoulder-mounted laser, so nothing is cooler than that. Any creature that wipes out nearly an entire Special Forces Squad has to make my list. “You’re one ugly Mother…”

6. Number Six (Battlestar Galactica): For number 6, I had to pick Number Six. While snapping babies’ necks, she continuously bangs Dr. Gaius Baltar, which isn’t a bad thing. The types of sexual acts she performs on the good Doctor could never be shown on the big networks.

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