Friday, February 02, 2007

Real Thugs get down on the floor

This week, someone at work decided to tell me a story.

We’ll call the guy DS (not the kid friendly handheld videogame system). Well, DS decided to go to Kroger to pick up some milk and chips. As he reached the milk department, he felt a powerful rumble in his stomach, and it got progressively worst. It was then he knew that he had to shit and shit badly. So, like a linebacker, he dashed for the front of the store and flew into the men’s bathroom.

To DS’s surprise, the only stall-type toilet was literally overflowing with shit and paper. It was out of order. With time fleeting and poop coming, DS had to make a quick and tough decision, poop in the sink or in the stand-up urinals. However, he made a third decision. He closed the stall’s door and went to the opposite end of the overflowing toilet in the corner and pulled down his pants.

He pooped on the floor.

That’s right, he took a shit on the floor.

What the hell?

After he told me this, I asked, “You couldn’t sneak into the woman’s restroom?”

“I had to make a decision, or I would have gone in my pants. Besides, I probably would have gotten arrested for being a pervert for going into a woman’s bathroom.”

I laughed, “That hasn’t stopped women from entering men’s restrooms when theirs are crowded.”

DS shook his head. “It’s just different.”

“So, have you told your soon-to-be wife about this story?”

“Nope,” DS answered.


Could you imagine the look on the face of the guy that has to clean this up?


  1. Being the asshole I am, I keep thinking that the way to make that worse would have been if he would have called the health department after he did that nasty deed.

  2. That would have been a great way to end the story!

    "Yeah, they let people take dumps on the floor, that can't be healthy."
