Wednesday, February 21, 2007

random bits

Fake Till Scam

I have never heard of this scam before, but man it takes a lot of guts to pull this off. Here’s how you do it, you take a functioning cashier till and enter a store with a stolen uniform and make people pay for their things like you actually work there. After you’re done, you take your cash.

Joe Rogan calls out a Hater by posting her Myspace Pictures!

Comment: I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the Carlos Mencia vs. Joe Rogan story, but I just love how Rogan posted some pictures of a woman that decided to bash him. The woman is huge, and she has a mullet, as she’s licking something off a male stripper. Note: Notice all the chicks with cameras in the picture.

This woman is frightening, and you have to wonder why she decided to put those pics on her MySpace.

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