Sunday, February 04, 2007

My top ten favorite movies of 2006 (Part 2)

Is this a clothing ad or a boring movie? No one look at each other.
Johnny Depp realizing there are more 21 Jump Street fans out there than he thought.

CLERKS II: One of Kevin Smith’s best movies right up there with Dogma. Who knew he could fit a touching story into a dick and fart joke movie?

SILENT HILL: All thing being considered, I actually liked this movie. It truly fet like the videogame.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest: While this one was not nearly as good as the first movie, it was still a good flick. I just loved the violence.

Happy Feet: Hey, I like dancing CGI penguins.

Thank You For Smoking: The movie is more about spin than smoking. This is a slick, if underrated, movie.

And the biggest disappointment of 06 goes to: Miami Vice: Un-fun and dry, everyone in the movie looks like they’re coming off hangovers. If I didn't watch this crap with friends, I would have walked out after the first 20 minutes.

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