Friday, February 02, 2007

Mooninites Take Over Boston part II

Oh, man this Aqua Teen Hunger Scandal is getting out of control

These guys pretty much sum up my own thoughts about this whole thing. I believe the Boston Officials overacted and needed to throw the blame off of them. This was never a Bomb Hoax, but a stupid viral marketing campaign.

Check this video. You have to love the flying FOX News glowing ALERT sign that flies through the screen as if this is something worth reporting.

Not to be outdone by the sheer stupidity of Boston’s elected officials, these two pretty much make fun of the media while not answering questions. I love how they piss off all the reporters, because they will only answer questions about hairstyles. More people need to do this.


Here's proof the Mooninites are terrorists.

Moonauana part 1 of 2 : They should be locked up.

Moonauana part 2 of 2 : The Mooninites get Meatwad and Shake high on burning tires.

Here's more fallout from this Cartoon Scandal

This guy was pulled over by cops for taking a picture!

Enough is enough
"It's a hoax — and it's not funny," said Gov. Deval Patrick
Actually, it wasn’t a hoax, and it was funny.

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