Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Let’s Go Ghostbusters Let’s go!

Let’s Go Ghostbusters Let’s go!


And the cartoon Spin-off.


I guess they had to add an ape to the show, because it adds coolness. Of course when the cartoon show based on the Ghostbusters’ movie franchise came out, it was called The Real Ghostbusters to distance itself from the other show. Isn’t that the guy from F-troop in the first clip?


  1. Ach, both cartoons were crap in my opinion.

    I didn't know there was a live action version of the Ghost Busters however. That is interesting.

  2. Yeah, I found out the cartoon had the children of the old show as the main characters, and the original actors from the show would show up in Guest spots.

    I sort of liked the Real Ghostbusters, but hated when the show started to have Slimer cartoon shorts

  3. See, it was slimer that made me mad about that cartoon... he is a villain, how can he be their friend?

  4. LOl, you have to love that they never bothered to explain that. and the fact they he's character sort of became the center piece.

    He was never suppose to be in Ghostbusters II, but due to his fame on the show, they added him to second film.

  5. See, the Slimer paradox is the same reason I can't get into Beetlejuice the cartoon.... he was the villain of the movie, and yet he is friends with Lydia and takes her on wild adventures on the cartoon. What is that?

  6. oh, yeah! I had forgotten about the Beetlejuice cartoon. You're right, the movie goes a lot of reasons why people shouldn't call beetlejuice and yet he's friendy and funny in the cartoon.

    That's probably one of the reasons I hate Cartoon/movie tie-ends so much.
