Thursday, February 15, 2007

Holy Batman Sighting!

A Batman Sighting at an Arizona middle school prompts security to lock down three schools. Huh?

((To an Arizona middle school, Batman! Three schools in the north Phoenix suburb of Cave Creek were on lockdown for about 45 minutes Wednesday morning after a student at Desert Arroyo Middle School reported seeing a person dressed as Batman run across campus, jump a fence and disappear into the desert, Scottsdale police Sgt. Mark Clark said.))

Have we lost our minds? Isn’t Batman supposed to be a good guy? Maybe, he was trying to solve a crime. Did they really need to Lockdown a school and look for this guy? Are they going to sue WB or DC comics for have a Batman run loose in the city?

(("We're assuming it was male, although they did have a mask on," Clark said.))

Well, duh, it the freaking Batman. He likes wearing a mask. Have you tried searching Wayne Manor?

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