Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Guess Hoe's Coming to Dinner, The Boondocks (review)

The Boondocks Episode 3 (Part 1)

The Boondocks Episode 3 (Part 2)

This is the episode where Granddad falls in love with a hooker. Yeah, sure there is a lot of fan service in this episode, but the overall ‘message’ of the story is fairly simple. We sometimes are so lonely that we’ll overlook all the flaws in the person we think we love. I think people get a little scared of being alone that they choose the wrong people.

The animation in this episode is pretty good, and voice acting is also good. While I’ve never been a fan of Katt Williams, his role as A Pimp Named Slickback was funny. Plus, the animators drew his character to look just like him. The story also showed the softer side of Granddad. He won’t let any woman get hit in his house, and gives the hooker a second chance to change her lifestyle. Despite the language, this shows us that the Boondocks works on many levels.

BTW, the part where Granddad is sitting and waiting for Cristal to come back is a touching moment, and even more so when Huey comes down to comfort his grandfather. Sure, there are a lot of anime fanboy moments, but the story is sound.

Grade B-

An early episode that shows promise of what is to come from this show.


  1. I love the discussion of how "A Pimp named Slickback" was his name... that whole thing was his name.

  2. That was funny, "like a Tribe Called Quest!"
    I liked how Riley started praying with the Pimp to keep his pimphand strong
