Friday, February 16, 2007

Building Empire: More stuff

Building Empire - Part 2 - By Jambe Davdar: This clip has where the deleted and often talked about Snow creature subplot was to begin. When Luke stands by an officer, there is a shot of a Medical Robot studying a dead Tauntaun. A lot of work when into the Snow Creature subplot, which would later be dropped completely, except for a few lines here and there.

Remember, Leia says, “Could it be one of those creatures?” This line was a left over from that Subplot.

Building Empire - Part 4 - By Jambe Davdar: Here’s some added footage of Luke’s recovery and a major plot-point for the Deleted Snow Creature subplot. During that awkward kiss between Luke and his sister, watch C3PO, because it’s priceless. He shows his emotions through his movements.

Building Empire - Part 5 - By Jambe Davdar: More of that Snow Creature subplot is revealed, and where it ties into the story.

Building Empire - Part 7 - By Jambe Davdar: In the battle, there are a few shots of the AT-ST with a slightly different design to them compared to the ones we see in Return of the Jedi. Some say there’s more footage of the AT-STs fighting during the battle, but nearly all of it got cut.

This is where the entire Snow Creature subplot pays off. You see, R2 tricks all the Snow Creatures into following him into a holding area and they trap the creatures there. On the door, there is a yellow warning sign, telling everyone not to open the door. 3PO rips the sign off, and the Storm Troopers enter the doorway, thus getting killed by the Snow Creatures.

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