Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bollywood video review II

Yet, another Bollywood video review.

Comment: I am beginning to really dig these Bollywood videos/movies. This one takes place in the Wild West. Actually, it’s the what the Wild West would look like if it happened to be set in the 1980s, during a Miami Vice storm. While the main singer/dancer is sporting a blond Afro, he sure knows how to dance. While I don’t understand a word they’re singing, I really like the music. It has a hip-hop vibe running through the song.

At the end he just says ‘screw it’ and puts on a white suit and breaks out a Michael Jackson jam session, after getting his hands arms and head shot off. I’m not making this up. Trust me, you want to see the ending with the Jackson moves.

Grade B

Note: I almost take points off for him using his force-like powers to move a cowboy hat with his crotch.

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