Wednesday, February 14, 2007

24 season 5 Part 2 of 3

The Story

The Story of 24 during the 5th season seemed a little more focused, and it actually felt like a complete story that tied together nicely at the end. And, boy what a great ending too. While the nerve gas plotline was a little goofy in some places, the actual effect it had on the characters was pretty cool. I found the entire nerve gas attack in CTU worth noting. They wiped out two more regulars and one guest star in those episodes, pretty bold. Yet, the focus of the David Palmer murder never really took a back seat in the main plotline, and somehow they connected to the whole President Wimpy and the Blue Tooth crew plotline to it.

When we find out the President is behind the whole, my first reaction wasn’t positive, yet the writers made it believable. Someone that indecisive would have people around encourage those types of courses of action. Gregory Itzin as President Charles Logan was a treat to watch and the complete opposite of President Palmer.

Yet, there are a few missteps within the storyline, such as that stupid kid that tagged along with Jack, and who ends up getting caught up in the hostage storyline in the first four episodes. I didn’t like the kid and it just reminded me too much of Kim Bauer, and I hated Kim. Which brings us to the other problem, Kim Bauer actually returns for a couple of episodes this season. I felt it wasn’t necessary to have her on the show at all during S5. While Elisha Cuthbert is a very attractive woman, I never really cared for her performances on the show. She always came across as too self-centered, and weak. There were always stronger and compelling women on the show from the get-go.

Where’s a cougar when you need one?


  1. It was the machinations of last season that makes me wonder if Keith Olbermann had ever watched a season of it before complaining it was a right wing mouthpiece and an fictionalized division of Fox News.

  2. You're right, the 5th season sort of shatters that whole notion with the fact that a Republican president gets arrested, and is behind the entire plot.

    I think 24 flips between right and left thinking each season.
