Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Save the Cheerleader, Save the Girl: A second look at the Cheerleader scandal

Some Cheerleader scandals are far worst...The woman on the right with the blond hair is Courtney, she used to be a cheerleader. But now has a different profession.

Save the Cheerleader, Save the Girl: A second look at the Cheerleader scandal

Well, this blog hit a landmark last week, I actually reached 1 thousands hits in one day. I mean, I never knew the Cheerleader Story would be that popular and that my comments on it would be so important. Not only have I had huge hits, but some message boards have quoted me on the story, as if I discovered the story. I never uncovered the story or got the pictures first. I only commented about it. It's feels strange that I've gotten a little bit of fame from this scandal, yet I have very little to do with the entire thing.

I had hoped that the hype over this thing would have died down, but I am still averaging around 300 hits just to that post. Search Engines have me around the 1st to 3rd page of the their results. I never uncovered the story, yet I've gotten a lot of attention over this thing.

Part of me does feels bad for the attention that Becca has gotten over this, and my place in this thing. She busted her ass to get into one of the best Cheer-Leading squads in the US, while also being a student. Now, her life is ruined, yet part of me still believes in personal responsibility. However, she never wanted any of this to get out and they were her private pictures. I do believe that the person that posted these nude pictures of her needs to be 'outed'. People need to know his name.

Is she is in school or is she out? I'm not sure. I've heard both cases from people in school. I certainly hope they didn't kick her out. Despite her major screw up, I'd be the first one to support her entry back into school, everyone deserves a second chance. (In the case of President Bush, 2rd, 3rd , 4th and 5th chances.)

Next time, just avoid all cameras.

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