Monday, January 15, 2007

Paula Abdul going crazy

Paula Abdul high as hell?

I don’t know why she’s acting extremely loopy in this clip, but it’s funny watching her twitch and move around in her seat, while making strange statements. 2007 is starting out great!

Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract: Check out this stupid music video with MC Skat-cat

Paula Abdul - Straigh Up: I actually like this one, and I still sing this song.

Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted Snake: Weak intro, but this is probably my favorite Abdul song and video. She’s hot in this video. “He’s a cold hearted snake, look into his eyes. He’s been telling lies!” If a woman called me a cold-hearted snake, I’d say thank you.

Family Guy - Paula Abdul skit: I have nothing to say but watch this one after the Opposites Attract vid!


  1. get ready for more Paula along with her crew Tuesday !!! i love the beginning of American Idol. THe people who are bad crack me up.

  2. you have to wonder if they interview her just so they can see if she goes nuts like this interview. I'd watch AI if all the focus was on her crazy spells.

  3. I don’t know why she’s acting extremely loopy in this clip ...

    I think I know.
