Monday, January 29, 2007

Music Videos reviewed

Cool Indian Music video

This is a pop song/dance number. I think the lead singer could have done the video without his Don Johnson dressed posse, which then morphs into The Gap Clothing Gang. The music is forgettable, but I really like some of the dance moves. While many of the moves are Indian in nature, people could probably catch a few of Michael Jackson moves thrown in. Now, think about it for a moment, this video and song isn't anymore bad than say Mrs. Spears or J-Lo. No matter where people live on this planet or this universe, pop music sucks. BTW, the chick is hot in this video.

Grade B


Heartbeat by Don Johnson

Speaking of Don Johnson, the Agony Booth did a very good write up to this terrible song/movie/video. You can watch the video, but it's pretty bad. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say that Don's ego got the best of him.

Don Johnson's hair Grade: B

The Video Grade: F+

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