Sunday, January 28, 2007

Laws are Strange...

I found this over at Digg, Craziest Laws in America.

It’s a great read for real. Being the evil, self-centered person that I am, I looked up the laws for my state (well, it’s a commonwealth). A lot of these laws were placed in the books back when these laws meant something, but were never taken off when they weren’t useful. Here are a few with my comments on them.

A person can be sent to jail for five years for merely sending a bottle of beer, wine or spirits as a gift to a friend in Kentucky: Uh, I guess this was a way to keep moon shiners and other people from making money off of wine-making back when there was a law against all alcohol consumption.

A Kentucky statute says: "No female shall appear in a bathing suit on any highway within this state unless she is escorted by at least two officers or unless she be armed with a club." Later, an amendment proposed: "The provisions of this statute shall not apply to any female weighing less than sixty pounds nor exceeding 200 pounds; nor shall it apply to female horses.": Lol, fat girls got pwned by this law…

All nude people in your house must be registered in Kentucky.: The government cares about me being nude in my own house? Cool!

By law, anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until he or she "cannot hold onto the ground".: Sounds like a good law to me!

Frankfort, Kentucky, makes it against the law to shoot off a policeman's tie: I’m sorry judge, but I just trying to shoot his tie off, honest.

In Kentucky every citizen of is required to take a shower once a year.: Sadly, I know many people that don’t follow this rule. It needs to be enforced, but then you have to get registered for being nude in your own house.

In Lexington, Kentucky, it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket: Is that an Ice Cream Cone in your pocket, or you just happy to see me, or just stupid? Having tater-tots in your pocket is okay though.

It is illegal in Kentucky to marry the same man more than 3 times: Good law! Anyone that marries someone more than 1 time should be arrested.

It is illegal to fish with a bow and arrow in Kentucky: But, shooting fish in a barrel is okay?

It is illegal to shoot game out of the window of a moving vehicle, with the exception of a whale: Doing drive-bys on deer, okay I get it. Last time I checked there isn’t much ocean or seawater around Kentucky, so finding a whale isn’t an option at the moment. I guess we will have to wait until global-warming is in full effect.

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