Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jason Alexander likes McDLT

Jason Alexander Washed Up Actor or An Ad Whore?


Now, this video came out during the 80s, and yeah, it is lame. My favorite part is the way the people are overly happy to see a guy asking them about “keeping their lettuce cold and their meat hot”. If someone asked that in real life, he'd probably be arrested. This was one of many commercials that Jason Alexander did before striking it rich with Seinfeld. He became popular as the annoying George Costanza. Like the rest of the crew, yes even the racist Michael Richards, they became major stars. Alexander no longer had to make bad commercials, while dancing with a hamburger in his hand.

However, Alexander found himself out of a steady job after Seinfeld ended. The Seinfeld curse was in full swing. After two failed shows, what did Alexander do? Movies? Nope, more commercials! Now, he was doing Roll Gold pretzels and KFC ads. The McDLT will live on!

Here are a few of his Roll Gold ads.

Here he is pimping out Delta Gold potato chips. With hair!

More pimping, this time Canada Dry! He's singing! (Note: Look for Mike Starr from Dumb and Dumber playing a Football Player in the same ad.)

Here's Jason standing behind the bridge of the Enterprise-D. Why? I'm not certain.


Here they are, realizing that the Seinfeld Curse will begin to take effect after their last show.

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