Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cars and cars

unholy, cast the demon out of thy car!

Head over to Blayde’s Blog and click on the first link to see some photos of real cars with Disney's Cars' eyes and mouths photo-shopped on them. It just freaks me out seeing those creepy things. I guess you can try and make your own.

I've never seen the movie Cars...


  1. wow, i haven't had a good trackback in ages...

    'I've never seen the movie Cars...'

    whoa, me neither, never got a chance too.

    Might see Happy Feet if time allows...

  2. i'm under the belief if you've seen one pixar movie, you've seen them all. but the movie still has it's entertaining plusses, plus the ending has a semi-humorous 'tribute' to the previous pixar films.


  3. Blayde: No problem, it looks like the Message board you linked to got dugg as well, so the thing has blown up big time.

    I think you'll like happy feet.

    Paul: Now that you said that, i'm going to have to see that movie for that ending.
