Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Battlestar Galactica Da Movie?

When a woman kicks your ass, it's kind of hot...

Battlestar Galactica may get a movie after all and Fanboys everywhere cream their pants.

The article also reports that a major character will 'disappear'.

((Rumors abound that character will die in the second half of the Sci Fi drama’s third season, which kicks off Jan. 21. And much of the “who will it be” speculation centers on hotshot pilot Kara “Starbuck” Thrace. ))

Perhaps she just starts an overpriced coffee chain across the galaxy.

What's even more interesting is the talk of a DVD movie...

((Eick and Moore also confirmed that they are in the midst of developing a 2-hour standalone “Battlestar Galactica” film, which may be released between Seasons 3 and 4. If there is no Season 4, then the film, which would probably be released on DVD and air on Sci Fi, would not go forward. ))

What really got my attention is the 'Standalone' term. So, in some way, this movie won't be closely connected to the current storyline. That's an interesting development.


  1. Reminds me of what they did in the Babylon 5 series, one of my all time favourites. They made movies specifically to fit in between not only seasons but even in between certain eps.

    The standalone thing disaapoints, but might be welcomed, so new material can be fleshed out and not have any implications on the series, so they don't have to worry about making it fit between the seasons

  2. You're right, that was one thing B5 did right once it was moved to TNT (Network and studio), I think some people don't like the Thirdspace movie and how it fits into the seasons.

    I agree that a stanlone tale does free up the writers to write what they want to without worry about Continuty

  3. i'm researching more into this story.. i'm a huge Battlestar Fan and I can't seem to get enough info.

  4. right now the show shows no signs of slowing down quite yet. i haven't heard anything about the movie, but i know the spin off series 'caprica' is still in the works, as well as the show possibly going into the network television world. my guess is they will stop the show at season 5, hopefully. i don't think anyone wants another stargate.


  5. If there is no Season 4,

    IF? As if! Of course there is going to be a season 4!

    I'm pretty excited by all that news, Starbuck dying AND the film. Maybe Ronald D. Moore will address it in his first podcast back next week.

  6. @ Mayren: I'll look into this into through Google and see if I can find more details floating around.

    @ Paul: I think Moore wouldn't allow the show to drag on for ten years, but if there are good stories to be told...

    Remember, he was the one that wanted DS9 to continue on after S7.

    @ Jeff: I've heard that Sci-fi nearly blows its budget every year for BattleStar, and the ratings have been down a bit, but i don't think Sci-fi is stupid enough to get rid of their flagship franchise just yet. What else do they have, those stupid Horror movies they show on weekends.
