Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What in the hell?


Can someone please tell me what the hell this is? BTW, this is a spoof of the original video, which is also bad. The original one is so bad that it's funny. It's strange, but catchy in a Mr. T sort of way. Basically, Genghis Khan is singing in a bad pop/disco group about historical locations and events. I'm sure the real Khan is happy that his image is being used in such a “fabulous” manner. What's next, a Joesph Stalin rap group? (Actually, I would like to see that one.)

I looked them up on Answers.com and found this.

((Dschinghis Khan (Pronounced "Jingis" Khan) was a German pop band, created in 1979 to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest. The name of the band is the German spelling of "Genghis Khan", and was chosen to fit the song of the same name, written and produced by Ralph Siegel with lyrics by Bernd Meinunger. ))

It would seem that they're making a come back under the name The Legacy of Dschinghis Khan, “fabulous” outfits and all. Please come to the US, I'd buy a ticket.

I don't care how much they pay paid them, they have to feel goofy in those outfits.


“Khan, you're going to have to come down here.”


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