Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (Review 3 of 3)

Despite the major problems with Episode 1, there were many things that Lucas did well.

The Pod Race: Even today, many people still love this long scene. Watching the Making of video, you can’t help but smile as Lucas discusses this scene; he’s like a little child with new toys. I have to say the extended version in the DVD cut was more exciting than what was shown in the theater version.

The design of the ships: I just like the design of the starships in this film. They all have a sleek design that is completely different from the blockier shapes that we will later see in the series.

The Political subplot: Lucas didn’t have much in the way of politics in the earlier films. Seeing the Republic was interesting and it was a bit of foreshadowing of things to come.

Senator Palpatine: Many people take this movie at face value and see it as a light-hearted romp, yet it isn’t. Our friend Palpatine is behind the whole conflict, causing enough trouble to sway everyone into thinking that he’s the one that has the power to straighten out all this mess.

(Note: Watch the scene in the council chambers in the Senate, Queen Padmé Amidala acts very strange. It is as if she’s being influenced by Palp with mind tricks.)

In the end…

Yes, Ep1 is a flawed movie, but there are some things that are charming and enduring about it. There was freshness to the film that Return of the Jedi lacked. There was a sense of tiredness in Return, while Ep1 felt different. Yes, Lucas never got his Mojo back after Empire Strikes Back, but it was neat seeing the Star Wars universe again. After years away from the film, I find myself enjoying the movie more now, and despite the Jar-Jar factor.

Grade B-

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