Thursday, December 28, 2006

Matrix Reloaded Review Part 1 of 3

Matrix Reloaded Review Part 1 of 3

Just like SW Ep1, Reloaded had a lot of to live up to. The original Matrix was a great movie. No one knew anything about it, but Reloaded had built in hype because of the original. There was no way the movie could have stood up to the first one, so when I watched it, I tried to watch the movie as stand alone piece…that didn’t work. I can see where Reloaded is a part of a bigger overall picture. I found Matrix Reloaded a more enjoyable film than Matrix Revolutions, but there are minor flaws with this film that only get worst in Revolutions. Let’s get started.

Uh, This is called the Matrix?

What made the first movie so good was the whole concept of The Matrix. A fake world that stored billions of human minds into a complex program was an interesting concept to begin with, and I hoped they would gives more insight into this world. I just loved that everyone within the program had to follow the basic rules of the matrix, but could bend them as well. What would you do if someone told you that your entire world was just a program and nothing was real? Well for some reason, the Wachowski brothers decided to abandon this interesting concept in the first half of Reloaded. Instead the Wachowski brothers forced this strange hippie city called Zion down our collective throats. Zion simply wasn’t an interesting plot point in the film, and the film comes to a screeching stop with every passing Zion scene. Less should have been more with these dull scenes. Which brings us to the biggest problem with the film…

Uh, Why a 20 minute orgy/dance scene?

What the hell? I mean, come on. Did we really need to see a long scene where all of Zion decides to dance and have sex on the dance floor? Shouldn’t they be preparing for the coming attack, instead of dancing to poorly created techno music? There was no reason for this mess on the screen. This crap went on far too long, considering all the major plot elements that needed to be fleshed out. This was by far the worst part of the entire film, and someone should’ve said something to the brothers about this stupid scene. This was probably the main point that turned off most moviegoers.

Oh, boy…Beautiful shot, in more ways than one.


Neo: “Watch me in a second, and I’ll become a polygon character!”
As they pull the Nebuchadnezzar up to the drive-in, they realize it’s a double feature for Glitter and Battlefield Earth.
Coming to the new CW, Keanu Reeves watching Keanu Reeves Show, whoa...
Agent Smith giving Morpheus a hand.

Agent Smith: “I’ve read your file on, Mr. Anderson. The Lake House and Johnny Mnemonic?”

Neo: “Whoa, we can’t all pick Lord of the Rings, Agent Elrond.”


  1. imdb comment, wonderful :P

  2. Thanks, people sometimes forget that he's made some stinkers before and after The matrix movies.

  3. You make great captions, James. I wish I had that talent.
