Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Freddy Got Fingered

Head over to MC’s site to see a freaking funny Freddy Got Fingered trailer. It just goes to prove that any movie can be cut into a masterpiece trailer. Freddy Got Fingered is one of the worst movies ever created. I actually work with some people that love this movie and defend it. There’s not much to defend.

I like what Roger Ebert had to say

((The film is a vomitorium consisting of 93 minutes of Tom Green doing things that a geek in a carnival sideshow would turn down. Six minutes into the film, his character leaps from his car to wag a horse penis. This is, we discover, a framing device--to be matched by a scene late in the film where he sprays his father with elephant semen, straight from the source.))

Yep, this movie is that bad. The only scene worth seeing is the Daddy would u like some sausage? Scene.

The only funny scene


  1. My reaction to that movie: Why Rip Torn Why?!?

  2. great movie clips. You wanna do a reciprical link .Our blogs have alot in common.
    good work

  3. This movie was completey void of any redeeming factor. I wanted to gain the hour and whatever minutes of my life i wasted on it back but no such luck

  4. MC: I'm sure Rip Torn is still regretting That ass shot he did in the movie. I’m sure the studio tricked him into making this film with some multi-movie deal.

    Cooltopten: Sure, looking through your sites, I like what I see there. Do I just post your links on my blog?

    Mayren: Other than Leonard Part 6, this movie is probably 1 or 2 in my top five worst movies.

    The dead deer carcass on the head is one of the worst scenes in the movie. The sad part is the studio gave him tons of cash and gave him freedom to make his ‘film’.
