Friday, December 08, 2006

Bill O'Reilly, please smile

Is the little baby mad?

Uh, this is news because?

What happen Bill O'Reilly, run out of things to say about Happy Feet? Talk about jumping the shark...

Yeah, so some of the things she said is offensive, but calling it child abuse? Yeah, right. Go back to talking about boycotts and calling female producers on the phone, Bill.


  1. I love the fact that a) he didn't mention that she had been bad mouthing him, b) they edited out just her making it clear that he was being targeted and c) that he somehow put that on the same level as child pornography.

    I also love the fact that he won't say the name of his greatest critic on television and his competition on his show. Even when he is trying to get that man cancelled.

  2. The man is amazing, he's been caught before editing interviews. He says all this stuff, but refuses to talk about his Sexual Harassment lawsuit.

  3. Wow. This picture immediately cheered me up. Does that make me a Communist?

    :( Oh no!

  4. Lol, not at all, but you'll probably end up on Bill's "on Notice" list.

    Thanks for dropping in
