Monday, November 27, 2006

Things you can’t do while blogging in a public location

Things you can’t do while blogging in a public location

Because my computer is in the crapper, I am forced to go to public places to do my blogging, and I’ve had to adjust my blogging ways...

1 You can’t type in your underwear: I’m sure people will have problems with me sitting in my underwear while typing this entry. Not that that's what I do when I'm at home…

2 You can’t laugh out laud at people’s blogs or videos: People would look at me strangely if I started busted out laughing for no reason.

3 I can’t sing old 80s songs or play my music as loud as I want to anymore: If I did this, I would get a visit from a tall bald cop that’s sitting at one of the computers across from me.

4 Can’t eat a full course meal in front of the computer with one hand, while typing with the other hand: I’m not sure if I can bring a plate of food into the library. I’m sure people would have a problem with it, including the bald cop.

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